At The Heart Of The Community
Most listeners to a after school show : NSR Live! (Ted, Sam & Shredhead)
Most emails in a show : NSR Live! (Jig & Jive from the JJ's)
Furthest Listener (Live) : Australian (JWC)
Most technical/presenter errors in a show : NSR Live! (Ted & Matt from NSR Original and Anchorma
Here you can see all the latest Vacancies at NSR
Please feel free to scroll through and see if you think you'd be great joining us here at NSR. If you find something that takes for fancy then simply apply below with our handy little apply form. By the way, no NSR job is ever paid, we are all volunteers.
We are currently looking for....
Presenters / DJs : So you think you can be the next Chris Moyles or that you could rival Bush and Troy? Then we want to hear from you. NSR is constantly on the look out new presenters with fresh ideas and a good stage presence, if you think that you fancy presenting one of our shows then apply below. Full training will be given and you will be backed by a production team who will help you along the way. NSR Presenters usually have one slot a week, which are either a lunchtime or one night after school (until apox 4:15PM) and you will be required to write a script or notes for your show before the show each week. So if you still think this is for you, dont be shy and just apply!
Producers : Producers pretty much hold together NSR! and we are looking for people who would like to become the producer on some of our best loved shows or an exciting new show. Producers basically are responsible for the content we produce and our shows. Producers book guests, manage the budget, make sure the presenters keep to the NSR rules, choose the music, come up with new ideas for features and content, upload content to the pages on the NSR Website, check emails when live and just make sure that we carry on making great radio. Producers generally work once a week on a slot which is either at lunchtime or after school (until aprox 4:20PM) producing live in the studio with their presenters and also often spend around half an hour a week preparing content for the next show and keeping up to date with the website. If you think this is for you, simply apply below.
News Coordinator (x2) : NSR is looking for someone to front our new online and on air news service. We are hoping to launch a new news section of our website with all the latest from Nailsea and key news from around the world. You would be incharge of creating our news output across all platforms, working with a small team of news readers and journalists making sure we have up-to-date news on our website and most importantly that we have news prepared for our two biggest shows, NSR Original and The JJ's. This is perfect for anyone looking at going into Journalism or the Media as a career in the future and training will be given. You will work closely with the teams from Focus and NSR and you will have access to all our facilities. Apply today!
Station Sound Producers : Station sound producers create all of the audio imaging that we have here at NSR. Basically they create all the jingles, beds, trails and voiceovers for all the shows at NSR. If you think you can create a sense of branding through sound then we would like to hear from you! As a Station Sound Producer you will have access to our wide array of digital sound creation software and be able to try new ideas. So if your a dab hand in Garageband, or think you can compose something yourself then apply below.
Website, Outreach Development & Events Coordinators (x2) : Here at NSR we are aiming to become a focal point for Nailsea School, so we are looking for someone with fresh ideas to develop and drive to help us create links with the local community. As your outreach role you will contact local organisations and create partnerships with them. You will also help NSR to expand its horizons and encourage more community based actives, such as presence at local events or promotion. Another of this role is as a Website Development Coordinator, here you will be responsible for the upkeep of our websites, archives and databases. You will also be coming up with new ideas about how we could become more interactive or utilise the latest in website technology. Finally you would be responsible for events that NSR run or are featured at. You will be coordinating live outside broadcasts and streaming from Nailsea events and gigs such as Live Old Skool, Nailseas Got Tallent, Sportsday and some new things we have lined up. If you think you could do these roles then we want to hear from you, apply below with reasons why you'd be suited to this job.
News Readers / Journalists : NSR is looking to create a team of talented journalists and newsreader to create news content across our website and to be read out on our radio shows. So do you think you could snoop out a story? Be the voice of the news? Then we want to hear from you. All we ask is that your driven and passionate about journalism. We will give you training both in journalism but also in radio editing and using our portable studio equipment.
© 2010 Nailsea School Radio, Nailsea School & Create Media. All rights reserved.